About Nepal-China Friendship Forum

Get to Know Nepal-China Friendship Forum

Nepal-China Friendship Forum (NCFF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, established in 2014 with an objective to put light upon the most relevant economic, development, culture and other various issues relating to the relationship of Nepal and China through various activities such as; trainings, workshops, webinars and seminars and other cultural exchange programs. In order to offer guidance on a broad range of policy issues and products, the Nepal-China Friendship Forum arranges multidisciplinary research with the help of specialist skills.
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Key Objectives

The Nepal-China forum works to strengthen ties by encouraging diplomatic dialogue, encouraging business collaboration, celebrating cultural exchange, fostering educational partnerships, and strengthening people-to-people connections.

The forum facilitates dialogue and cooperation between Nepal and China’s political leaders and diplomats. Through discussions, seminars, and conferences, it seeks to address regional and international issues of common concern, strengthening diplomatic relations.

Nepal and China have witnessed significant growth in their economic partnership in recent years. The forum plays a pivotal role in promoting trade, investment, and infrastructure development. It encourages businesses from both nations to explore opportunities for collaboration and joint ventures.

The rich cultural heritage of both countries is celebrated through the forum. Cultural events, exhibitions, and academic exchanges allow people from Nepal and China to better understand each other’s traditions, languages, and way of life.

The forum promotes educational collaboration by facilitating student exchanges, research partnerships, and the sharing of academic resources. This helps enhance the quality of education and research in both countries.

The forum emphasizes the importance of people-to-people connectivity by encouraging tourism, facilitating travel, and fostering personal relationships. This leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other’s societies.

About The Chairman

Dr. Kalyan Raj Sharma

Dr. Kalyan Raj Sharma graduated from Fudan University with a doctoral degree in economics in 2011. He is now the Chair of Nepal China Friendship Forum (NCFF), visiting scholar at Kathmandu University and the Managing Director of Adventure Outdoor Group of Companies. During his doctoral studies at Fudan, Sharma published a number of academic papers in both Chinese and English on the economy and tourism of China and Nepal. After the establishment of Nepal China Friendship Forum (NCFF) in 2013, (NCFF involve in Academic Research, organize various Seminar, Cultural Exchange, etc.) with an objective to put light upon the most relevant economic development, culture and other various issues relating to the relationship of Nepal and China through various activities such as trainings, workshops, seminars and other cultural exchange programmes.
Mission Statement

The Nepal-China Friendship Forum (NCFF) is dedicated to advocating for, showcasing, and fostering an understanding of Chinese language, culture, and their significance within Nepal and across Asian nations. Through a diverse range of activities including conferences, discussions, research, and collaborations with stakeholders, we aim to strengthen the ties between China and Nepal, assist in policy formation and innovation, and promote shared accountability and ethical research practices.

  • Advocacy of Chinese Language and Culture: Advocate for the importance and understanding of Chinese language and culture within Nepal and across Asian nations.
  • Facilitation of Understanding: Foster an environment that encourages a deeper understanding of Chinese customs, traditions, and language nuances.
  • Bridge Building: Act as a bridge between Nepal and China by facilitating activities that promote cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and mutual understanding.
  • Policy Guidance: Offer guidance and recommendations on policy issues affecting Nepal’s economy and socio-cultural dynamics through multidisciplinary research.
  • Collaborative Ethical Practices: Collaborate with stakeholders while promoting ethical research practices, compliance, and shared accountability in policy recommendations.
Vision Statement

We envision a future where the relationship between Nepal and China, along with broader Asian nations, is fortified through strengthened cooperation, enhanced people-to-people relations, and increased understanding of each other’s cultures. By serving as a platform for discussions, research, and policy recommendations, we strive to contribute to economic development, academic collaboration, and cultural exchange between the two nations and the wider Asian community.

  • Cultural Integration: Envision a future where the cultural integration between Nepal and China, and among Asian nations, is strengthened through shared values, respect, and understanding.
  • Enhanced Cooperation: Aspire for enhanced cooperation and mutual collaboration between China, Nepal, and broader Asian nations for socio-economic development.
  • Academic Excellence: Aim for academic excellence by fostering collaborations and academic forums focusing on the Belt and Road Initiative and other areas of mutual interest.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Strive to enrich the cultural landscape by promoting cultural exchange, understanding, and appreciation through various programs and initiatives.

Policy Impact: Aim for impactful policy changes that positively influence Nepal’s economic development and socio-cultural relationships with China and other nations.

Our Plan
  • The future of the Nepal-China Friendship Forum looks promising, as both nations continue to strengthen their ties in various domains. With growing economic collaboration, enhanced cultural exchange, and a shared commitment to regional stability, this forum remains a vital instrument in advancing the Nepal-China friendship.

    The Nepal-China Friendship Forum serves as a shining example of how two nations can come together to strengthen their bilateral ties. It represents not only a historical connection but also a forward-looking approach to nurturing a relationship that is built on trust, mutual respect, and the shared pursuit of prosperity and peace. As the forum continues to evolve, it holds the potential to usher in an era of even deeper cooperation and understanding between Nepal and China. Our plans includes 

    • Conducting research and analysis
    • Assistance in Policy Formation and Innovation
    • Collaborating and Forming Alliances with other Think Tanks
    • Conduct interaction program on economic and social development issues
    • Interaction and research on policy formation and lobbying
    • Establish people to people relations.


Nepal-China Friendship Forum places a strong emphasis on collaboration, and our partnerships serve as the cornerstones of most of our work. We are appreciative of the institutional partners' committed support and their confidence in us to help them achieve our objectives. These include Embassy of People's Republic of China and many other organizations. We were honored to collaborate on research and development projects with a number of prestigious universities and organizations, and we are proud of this affiliation. These includes
· China Academy of Social Sciences
· Fudan Univerisity
· Beijing Language University

The Nepal-China Friendship Forum: Strengthening Bilateral Ties

The Nepal-China Friendship Forum stands as a testament to the enduring and robust relationship between the two neighboring nations. This forum serves as a platform for fostering diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties between Nepal and China, two countries that share a long history of cooperation and mutual respect.
The Establishment of the Forum: The Nepal-China Friendship Forum was formally established as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in an effort to enhance and diversify the bilateral relationship. Its creation was met with enthusiasm from both sides, as it provided a structured platform for government officials, business leaders, academics, and cultural enthusiasts to come together and promote cross-border collaboration.
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